A Need for Change
Change isn’t easy, especially in a state accustomed to delivering infrastructure projects the same way for generations. Iowa has sat on the sidelines for years as virtually every other state has adopted more collaborative, innovative and efficient ways to deliver projects of all types. Meanwhile, our infrastructure needs continue to grow. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) latest infrastructure report card details billions of dollars of infrastructure needed in Iowa to improve our C grade.
This is no single answer to our public infrastructure challenges; however, states nationwide are using alternative project delivery methods like design-build to deliver better projects while saving time and taxpayer dollars. Iowa should be allowed to do the same.
APD in Other States
Iowa is one of only two states that does not explicitly allow the use of alternative delivery methods. There’s no logical reason our public agencies should not be allowed to choose the best project delivery method to fit each unique project. Limiting Iowa’s access to the full range of innovative and collaborative options available to deliver vital Iowa projects wastes time and taxpayer dollars.
Getting to Know HSB 648
Alternative Project Delivery legislation will provide the project tools our state needs to deliver the cost-efficient infrastructure taxpayers demand.
House Study Bill 648:
- Authorizes Design-Build as an option for public owners to use as an alternative delivery method for vertical infrastructure projects. The legislation does not eliminate traditional competitive bidding and excludes all horizontal infrastructure projects, Department of Transportation, municipalities and counties.
- Provides public owners the discretion to determine what project delivery method is best suited for a specific building project that will provide the best value for their taxpayers.