It’s been a busy few weeks for design-build proponents in Iowa. The good news? Our legislation to allow design-build authority is successfully working its way through committee. The bad news? Two other bills which would which ban design-build entirely and prevent the Board of Regents from continuing its successful design-build program are also proceeding.
The coalition has successfully made our case to key committees including; House Local Government, House State Government and Senate State Government and our bill is proceeding. Our goal is simple – provide Iowa’s public agencies the option to use project delivery tools used in virtually every other state, rather than force a political mandate that ties our public agencies hands and requires the use of low-bid only. As one of only two states without express design-build authority, Iowa is an outlier. And our state and taxpayers are paying the price with unnecessary project delays, cost overruns and litigation.
We urge all our allies to email Iowa lawmakers and urge them to support HSB 586 and give cities, counties, school districts and municipal utilities the option to construct projects more efficiently and save taxpayer dollars.
Ask them to oppose HSB 674 and SSB 3153. These bills ban design-build for all public owners in the state, forever prohibiting a city, county, school district or municipal utility from using the most efficient and cost-effective delivery method in the nation.
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